Thursday, October 10, 2013

Daddy, we love you!

It is definitely an adjustment having Jason work outside the home. It is really nice to have an opportunity to miss him though. Mireya sometimes asks to send pictures to Daddy, so we made a special one! We love you Daddy!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello from here!

Moving across the country is not easy. It is a big change! For a three-year-old that change is big, but in a way, easier. Mireya was not in school or any classes. She did not have any close friends either. There was not much to be sad about except she did miss the house for awhile.

We had to ride on the airplane with the cats and my best friend to get here, and Mireya was amazing! She was naughty somewhat, but not anything major that I would not expect from a three-year-old. She got up early with me (5:00 am), drove to Vegas, and then we all flew out here.

Mireya really loves it here! Her new room is bigger and much nicer. Her closet doors are mirrors, so she can dance and see herself. We also just ordered new Doc McStuffins decorations that we are going to put up in her room to make it her own and to match her bedding. She is excited about that!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Mireya got strep throat on Christmas last year. Even though she recovered, her tonsils never returned to a normal size. She has had swollen tonsils that have affected her swallowing and breathing, and caused quite a bit of pain. She would cough all the time, especially at night. Every once in a while she would wake up in the middle of the night gasping, because she could not breathe. She choked on her food, and started taking smaller and smaller bites. Juices and certain foods hurt her throat. She sounded congested frequently too, and any allergies made her sound stuffed-up really quickly. Poor girl has had a rough almost 8 months.
We tried everything to help her: medications, essential oils (they helped the most), homeopathic medicine, humidifiers, vitamins, diffusers, and anything else doctors recommended. Everything had such a tiny effect and overall she was getting worse, so we finally opted for our last choice--surgery.
First, we had to get her tested for the two genetic disorders I have: Factor V Leiden and MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). She came back negative for MTHFR, which is the scarier one. However, she is heterozygous for Factor V Leiden. She will be predisposed to clotting, have trouble getting pregnant, maintaing a pregnancy, and have other pregnancy complications. It is unfortunate that she got it, but I know enough about it to help her. It also does not negatively affect a tonsillectomy, unlike other surgeries.

Two Week Countdown

It is almost time to move! I cannot believe how quickly the time has arrived. We have started the countdown, and we are packing as quickly as possible. Mireya is a great little helper! She has been helping me pack up her room. She packed this tub. When she was done she got very excited and wanted to show me what a fantastic job she did! She was proud of herself, and it was adorable!

Instead of helping, the kitties just keep getting in the way...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Rock Star

Mireya is super cute. She just came up to me and said, "Mom, look! I got my new shoes on. I'm a rock star now!" Yes, baby you are! LOVE HER!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mireya Has An Attitude!

Jason and I were in the office. We were talking and laughing. Mireya comes running in and growls at us. (Yes, growls. She does that now with some frequency.) "Hey! I'm trying to play play dough!" Then she starts walking away. I told her, "Oh, that sounds fun, honey!" Mireya: "I am really really mad right now!" Me: "What? Why?" Mireya:"You and Daddy are too loud!" Well, geez! Mireya is little Miss Bossy-Moody Pants! I have no idea where she gets that from! ;)